Somewhere in a dark space.

The swamp-like clouds gathered and surged, completely covering the sky, and it looked like some kind of slowly creeping soft-bodied creature, with a disgusting dull color.

The ground was also dyed a layer of eerie black, and there were countless pale embellishments like remnants of snow.

That is amazingly countless dead bones!

The bones are like a tide, this is a place of death where I don’t know how many souls are buried!

Occasionally, a hollow figure staggered and stood up, and the fire of the soul in the eye socket was uncertain, as if it would be completely extinguished in the next second.

The wind from nowhere blew past, bringing up the pale smoke, which seemed to be mixed with some kind of unwilling roar.


But if you listen carefully, there is only a mournful wind.

At the end of the dark earth, a pale hill stood.

The hill is composed of countless sturdy bones, vaguely outlines the outline of some kind of behemoth.

Even if it has become a pure skeleton, it is still difficult to hide the majestic aura, the white wings hang down, and the most silent darkness is in the pupils.

This is a dragon.

An undead dragon with only bones left.


In front of the Necromancer is a pass that seems to connect the heavens and the earth, stretching like a mountain to the end of the sky.

The whole body of the pass is made of jet-black rock, with a deep darkness like ink. If you look closely, it seems that there is some kind of special brilliance flowing in it.

There is a portal inlaid on the pass, the height of which is unknown, but at this time a gap is opened.

Compared to the size of the entire portal, it is almost completely negligible, but it is more than enough for people to pass through.

Through the gap, you can vaguely see the scene inside the pass.

There are countless dead bodies piled up inside.


The corpses wore the same black armor and looked like they belonged to the same army.

Elizabeth quietly looked at the scene in front of her, but her mind returned to an unknown time ago in a trance.

Everything seems to be just an illusory blurred dream.

She is just dreaming.

All the experience is nothingness, and when she wakes up from the dream, she will go back to the past again.

The faint blue soul fire moved slightly and gradually dimmed, like a fire that was about to go out.

But at the moment of almost complete demise, it rose again.

Elizabeth raised her head and looked at the figure in front of him pulling the giant sword out of the corpse. Dark black blood flowed slowly along the blade, like a thick silt filth.

The figure was wearing the exact same clothes as the surrounding corpses.

The tattered dark red matches, the pointed iron helmet completely obscures the face, all you can see is the deep darkness, the dark black armor wraps the whole body, like a death **** who brings death with grace, and a Dancer, blending combat with art.

This is an extremely empty space surrounded by equally dark stone walls.

The stone wall was cut out with grooves like a dome, and the eternal candlelight was lit in it, which was barely able to bring a trace of light.

The figure just stood there quietly, like a lifeless statue.

Without any movement, an indescribable aura quietly swept away.

There are countless corpses piled up all around, and every corpse has a little blood mist drifting out, turning into Dao Dao Guanghua and slowly submerging into the only standing figure.

His head was lowered, his face still shrouded in darkness.

The body was swirling with a little scarlet light spot, like a burning flame, and the giant sword in his hand also rose up into a mist-like scarlet flame.

In just this moment, the aura emanating has increased countless times.

At this time, he is the incarnation of countless corpses here.

He alone is equivalent to the entire army.

The two sides confronted each other, silent.

There was a wind blowing from nowhere, so the shadow of the lamp swayed and the candle light flickered.

Between light and dark, you can vaguely see the traces of carving on the stone wall.

It was a crawling, sleeping giant wolf.

The undead team of Faras, as corrupt monitors, each of them has the blood of the wolf flowing in their bodies, and the wolf is also their totem.

"I've seen you."

Elizabeth spoke, but her voice was not as hoarse and harsh as usual, but a slightly neutral girl's voice.

The figure in front raised his head.

His face was also obscured by a dark hood, so he couldn't even see his eyes.

"I do not remember."

Sounding like a middle-aged man, after a pause, he continued, "I don't remember a lot of things."

The atmosphere fell silent again.

As the owner of the Dead Woodland, the long life as a lich had already changed Elizabeth's character, and the man in front of her seemed to be equally ill-spoken.

"What about the empire?"

After a long time, the silence was broken, the man asked.

"It's over." Elizabeth's tone was calm, and she couldn't hear the slightest ups and downs. "Four thousand years ago."

The man was silent, and he should be digesting the information in Elizabeth's words.

After a long time, he seemed to sigh lightly: "I see."

The voice sounded much lighter, and the weight on his shoulders disappeared.

The homeland has been destroyed for thousands of years, and he himself is just a ghost that remains unwilling to leave.

Lose your mind and fall into an endless fight.

If it hadn't met the person in front of him, it might have continued forever, always a corrupted puppet.

The topic ended again, and there was a long silence again.

"What about the disaster? Can you tell me what happened?"

The Faras Undead Squad, as the monitors of corruption, they are the closest to the corruption and the first to fall into madness.

When staring at the Corruption, the Corruption will also return the gaze.

The corruption started with the undead team of Faras, and subtly turned the entire royal family of the Faras Empire into puppets.

Elizabeth glanced at him lightly, and took out a raw spar.

With the injection of energy, a translucent light curtain appeared in mid-air, and music and narration sounded at the same time.

"I would like to use this opera to remember those who fought for civilization"

The light curtain gradually dimmed, leaving only the shimmering handwriting.

The two figures looked at the light curtain and did not speak for a long time.

"What about now?" the man asked suddenly.

Elizabeth took out an original spar again, and a new light curtain was projected, with scenes of civilization on it.

Imperial capitals, city-states, tribes, villages…

The variety of life, the scenery of countless civilizations and races are all included in the vivid pictures.

The man seemed to be smiling, but Elizabeth could not see his smile from the darkness.

The picture in the video is the night of Faras she deliberately recorded. The original version should be the dancing girl, which is the version modified by Donald. The dark wave engulfs everything.

However, at the behest of the Council of Elders, it was revised and the follow-up story was briefly explained.

From the beginning to the end, the Faras undead team never appeared in front of the world.

"Don't you regret it?" Elizabeth said softly.

"No regrets in this life."

[Refer to the bonfire of Dark Souls 3, the watcher of the abyss, which is even more magnificent]
