Chapter 38

At noon, the six people finally completed the task and walked wearily to the agreed place by the river, handing over all the photos taken to the director.

After a simple review, the director took out the money and put it in Sheng Lin's hand.

Before Sheng Lin could take it, Chen Chen intercepted it.

"I think when you're out, everyone should have some money on them, otherwise you can't even buy a cup of coffee, is that still called living?" Chen Chen justified unreasonably, showing no intention of handing over the money.

What she said made sense too. Their budget trip was truly budgeted. Apart from Sheng Lin the accountant, the others had pockets cleaner than their faces.

Unfortunately their money was far from enough for the 5 days in London.


Sheng Lin was very embarrassed and reluctantly pulled out his ledger to show Chen Chen the accounts he had kept.

The handwriting was crooked and messy. Chen Chen got a headache just looking at it.

Sheng Lin was a little embarrassed too. Usually he didn't have time to practice writing either. Only he himself could recognize what he wrote, so he pointed to the figures in the book and said:

"Teacher Chen, we're really poor. The money in my hands plus yours is only enough to pay for the hotel. We might not even afford enough meals, let alone coffee or pocket money. Those are too luxurious for us."

Chen Chen had been living a pampered life and knew nothing about this. She was willing to participate in the show this time precisely because she had no concept of budget traveling, thinking it was just doing everything simply without spending money recklessly.

So she started to regret it. Who knew budget traveling really meant pinching every penny, not spending any money that could be saved!


Because everything so far had displeased her, Chen Chen's negative emotions had reached their peak. Hearing what Sheng Lin said made her fall apart completely, but she cared about face and forcibly held back her tears.

"You guys don't need to care about me. I'll go to the riverside for some air."

Saying that, Chen Chen left the group alone and went to sit on a bench by the river.

Sheng Lin felt guilty and awkward, holding the ledger without saying a word. Now they desperately needed someone to come up with an idea.

"Or... 5 pounds pocket money per person per day?"

Qin Wei suggested.


Sheng Lin took out a pen and calculated on the paper, then said to Qin Wei:

"That won't work, Teacher Qin. If we do that, we'll have issues with accommodation fees the last two days."

Qin Wei pointed at the director:

"What they gave us is too little to begin with. We're supposed to earn more by completing tasks, not by your penny pinching. I suggest we eat what we should eat, play what we should play. Don't forget we're here to travel, not flee..."

Gu Minghua strongly agreed with this and voluntarily spoke for Qin Wei:

"I think so too. Since we're traveling, everyone's emotions are important. It's just a cup of coffee. Sheng Lin, give me the money. I'll go buy coffee for everyone." Sheng Lin had no choice but to take out the money.

Liu Xin sneered:

"Qin Wei, you just don't understand what it feels like to have no money. You don't know the afflictions of the human world. Enjoying the present is not something everyone can do. Have you thought about what if we run out of money and have to sleep on the streets?"

Qin Wei insisted on her opinion:

"But we did come out to travel after all. Everyone's mood is very important. It's just a cup of coffee. How about 3 pounds pocket money per person per day then..."

"Or you can be the accountant!"

Liu Xin suddenly suggested,

"You don't know the value of rice and firewood if you're not the head of household. You be the accountant and you get the final say on how the money is spent. We'll listen to you."

Qin Wei was stunned for a moment.

"I'll do it if no one objects. I'll be the accountant."

As soon as Qin Wei finished speaking, everyone nodded in agreement.

Sheng Lin quickly stuffed the wallet and ledger into Qin Wei's arms, as if throwing away a hot potato.

Keeping accounts for this group really was like holding a hot potato.

Qin Wei counted the money and checked the figures in the ledger to make sure they were correct before putting the wallet into her own bag.

A fleeting, imperceptible smile crossed Liu Xin's mouth corner. It quickly returned to normal. Liu Xin raised her hand to check her watch:

"It's about time. Let's go eat! Hayden, is that casual dining restaurant you mentioned nearby?"


The afternoon task was much more relaxed, possibly because too many unhappy things had happened in the morning. The production team adjusted the schedule on the spot. In the afternoon, they only needed to tour the Tower Bridge, then could roam freely. The director also told them a trip to a bar was added to their evening itinerary, and they didn't need to worry about the fees.

This good news lifted everyone's spirits. Chen Chen's mood improved significantly too, and she began chatting and laughing with everyone.

Qin Wei gave 10 pounds to each person. If they came across small souvenirs they wanted to buy along the way, this would be enough. After the meal they walked to the Tower Bridge, finally able to appreciate the beautiful scenery of the River Thames without distraction.

Night fell. After dinner, the Star Crew took the production team's rented car to Lambeth, getting off along the way to admire the famous London Eye on the south bank of the River Thames.

Arriving at the bar entrance, it was already the liveliest time inside. People entered one after another. Only Liu Xin didn't rush in. She waited for the director to come over, then pulled his arm aside to speak.

Liu Xin looked around to make sure everyone else had already gone in, then moved to the director's ear and said:

"Later just shoot symbolically, okay? No one can really relax with the cameras staring at them all the time. You agree, right?"

The director nodded repeatedly:

"Yes, yes, going to a bar wasn't originally in the schedule at all. It was your company's consideration for us hardworking staff on site, adding a segment for us to relax. Please thank President Zhao for me, Ms. Liu. We'll continue when we're back in China."

Liu Xin patted the back of the director's hand and winked at him:

"Have fun and play hard tonight. President Zhao said it's his treat, don't worry about saving Songshi Entertainment's money!"

Laughing, the director entered the bar with Liu Xin and found their seats. Liu Xin ordered drinks for everyone, then took out her phone to look at it.

The bar was at its liveliest now. Many people were dancing in the dance floor. After two drinks, Liu Xin was slightly tipsy. She pulled Gu Minghua to go dance. Gu Minghua couldn't turn down her invitation, so he followed her.

At this time a handsome blonde foreigner came over and sat down next to Qin Wei, ordering a drink while keeping his eyes drifting toward her, clearly here to hit on her.

Seeing Qin Wei hadn't touched the beer in front of her, he gestured for another orange cocktail from the bartender and pushed it in front of Qin Wei.

Qin Wei was still reading her book, only now aware that someone had sat down next to her.

Looking around, she didn't see anyone familiar. She must have been reading too attentively and didn't notice where the others went.

The foreigner next to her said in English that he wanted to buy her a drink.

Qin Wei smiled and gestured that her own glass still had drink, she didn't need him to buy her one.
