Chapter 26

After a heavy rain, the sky was as blue as washed silk, the clouds as white as satin, even the air carried a refreshing scent that gladdened one's heart.

Tang Yicheng felt that Boss Cheng was in not too bad a mood today. In the past few days, worries weighed heavily on his mind no matter how calm he appeared on the surface, and irritation crept up that he couldn't suppress fully. Since following Boss Cheng, Tang rarely saw such obvious emotional fluctuations from him. Tang couldn't help wondering if Boss Cheng's sudden uplift in mood had anything to do with Chairman Shao's gift that's worth a penny.

Cheng Jinlan attributed her good mood to her period being over, definitely not because thinking of Shao's expression when receiving that red envelope inexplicably exhilarated her. Even her daughter Cheng Liqi wouldn't do something so childish, and she's Cheng Liqi's mother, how could she be more childish than Cheng Liqi?

Unlike Lancheng, it was unusually quiet today in Shao's executive office. When Kong Yichan went in this morning to report work, she came out and signaled to the group of assistants that it's best to keep it down today, the boss wasn't in the best mood, a mood so bad that his face looked somewhat blue. Blue wasn't accurate though, Kong was from the countryside, at her grandma's they cooked with a big stove made by laying cement bricks, after long use, the fumes made the area around the stove ashy, not quite ash-colored, not quite black, the boss's complexion was just like the color of that stove.

Although the office was silent, the group chat was on fire.

Although the boss didn't show it on the surface recently, everyone knew his mood had been quite good, saying it was just quite good was an understatement, it should be said the boss was in an excellent mood. Not to mention whatever past Senior Shao had with the second miss of the Cheng family, having a daughter like her gifted in both looks and intelligence suddenly descend from heavens, anyone would be delighted, and would probably laugh themselves awake even in dreams.


They didn't know if the boss had laughed himself awake from dreams, but the consistent sternness in the boss's eyes unmistakably softened these days, a change that made them overjoyed, because when the boss was happy, their days naturally became easier. They thought this good life would continue, but unexpectedly the boss's mood took a drastic downturn today.

The junior assistant asked, shouldn't it be like this? Lately things had been peaceful in the company, those that needed to be cleared out from the Wu family were mostly gone, Senior Shao also let go of his power, the Shao's now completely listened to Boss Shao, what was there for him to be upset about? How could he be in a bad mood?

The second assistant said, could it be because of that piece of land in Nancheng?

The senior assistant said, that can't be right, the Nancheng land was taken by the Chengs, although there was old resentment between the Shao and Cheng families, that was the previous generation's business. Now Boss Shao obviously harbors feelings for Second Miss Cheng, and their daughter's already grown. With Boss Shao in charge now, even if there were ten more family precepts, with Boss Shao's decisiveness and vigor, whatever he wanted to do even the heavenly king couldn't stop him. These two families will come together sooner or later, so what does it matter which family owns that piece of land now?

Kong Yichan gently coughed, and the three assistants immediately put away their gossiping and slacking thoughts, pretending to start working diligently.

When Boss Shao walked by this morning, the three assistants also pretended to be diligently working, not daring to lift their heads to look, so they didn't notice the conspicuous wound at the corner of Shao's mouth, which was on the outer edge of his lips, definitely not caused by him biting himself accidentally. The only person who dared bite her boss, other than Second Miss Cheng from the Chengs, Kong couldn't think of anyone else. Then thinking of the stove-colored complexion on Boss Shao's face, a word flashed across her mind—unsatisfied, this was probably the reason the boss was in a bad mood.


The office phone rang, Kong looked at the number, straightened her back, cleared her throat, and picked up the receiver, “Boss Shao.”

Shao Chengze instructed, “Assistant Kong, help me arrange some time with Cheng Jinlan.”

Kong Yichan was silent for a second, thinking she misheard. She confirmed it once more, “Boss Cheng from the Chengs?”

“Yes, just say I want to discuss that piece of land in Nancheng with him, it’s not super urgent. You can call Cheng’s side every morning before work, and once more after work every day, until we can arrange a time with him.”

“Alright, Boss Shao.” Kong thought, this would be a protracted war.

“Also, I sent you a photo of a pair of sunglasses, help me check the price.”


“Oh, okay.”

Kong already received the photo on her computer. They were clearly women’s sunglasses, with brand and model number. The price could be found with one search on the official site—almost half of what she made in a month. Kong sent the price to Boss Shao.

Boss Shao replied with two words, 【Very good】.

For a moment Kong didn't understand the meaning behind these two words, was he saying her work efficiency was very good, or the price of the sunglasses was very good. She assumed he meant her work efficiency was good.

Today Lancheng had an art exhibition, by a painter Cheng Jinlan was very fond of, who was also her bosom friend. She specifically cleared her afternoon to go see the exhibition. Most of the paintings were splattered ink in black and white, pushed to such dreary extremes that it looped back to being flamboyant. Cheng Jinlan slowly walked through the exhibition hall, finally stopping in front of a painting. This was the only oil painting done in thick, vibrant colors—the blue sea, pink glow of dusk, golden sunset, a man and woman walking on the silvery beach. She could almost smell the scent of sea breeze.

Her phone vibrated. Cheng Jinlan looked at the string of numbers on the screen and was dazed for a moment. She had never saved this number in her contacts, when she blocked him on WeChat initially, she didn't block his mobile number. She couldn't say what compelled her. But ever since they broke up, this number had never called again.

Later she changed phones, changed her number, thinking it also meant changing things from the past. But she didn't realize memories weren't things that could be changed. After so many years, she could still recognize this number instantly. She also didn't expect he still kept this same number.

Cheng Jinlan muted her phone. His calls only came once, if not picked up, he wouldn't call again.

She bought some paintings, her friend came to thank her specially, pointing at the oil painting and said, “That is my gift for you, the most beautiful sunset in your memories, I've painted it out for you.”

During an afternoon tea with this painter friend before, the two sat on the cafe balcony watching the sunset. The sunset that day was gorgeous, sunset glows flooding the sky in gorgeous fiery reds. The painter marveled at the wonder of nature, while Cheng Jinlan stirred her coffee with a straw, half resting her cheek in hand, watching the sun gradually set, and said she'd seen more beautiful sunsets. Only after she finished did she realize what she said, immediately changing the topic. She didn't expect her friend still captured that moment of oddness.

Cheng Jinlan said, “What I described is different from your painting.”

Her friend added people into the landscape she only described.

Her friend replied, “A scene so romantic must have love, paintings should depict what the painter sees, hears and feels. From your expression when you talked about it then, I saw love in your eyes. My intuition is always right.”

Cheng Jinlan denied, “The word love can only be used to fool teenage girls. At our age, talking about feelings and love anymore, it's a bit laughably delusional.” Her friend laughed, “Why do you make it sound so gloomy and world-weary? Then tell me, what should we talk about at our age?”

Cheng Jinlan thought for a moment, “Money, careers, and daughters—which of these isn't more reliable than love?”

Her friend also had a daughter, two years younger than Cheng Liqi.

Her friend agreed, “That's true, but you're missing one thing.”

“Missing what?”

Her friend put an arm around Cheng Jinlan's shoulder, leaning to her ear and said, “Sex. You can do without love, but can't do without making love. At our age, we already know how to make ourselves happier, so we should seize the day. Cheng, don't take this the wrong way, but your days seem a little too dull. Which wealthy family's miss your age lives like you—devoted only to work, daughter, and home everyday? You can do without love, but must have men. If one doesn't satisfy, find another. They don't serve much purpose, but helps sweat out a summer, warm the sheets in winter. If you find one with better skills, he can even take you to the land of peach blossoms to roam a few rounds. Life needs some enjoyment to go on, don't you think?”

Cheng Jinlan looked seriously at her multi-colored hair and asked, “Can you give me your stylist’s contact? Cheng Liqi really likes your hair, I'm thinking of also changing my hairstyle to add some interest to life.”

Her friend pretended to pinch Cheng Jinlan's flushed neck. Each time this topic came up, she could divert it somewhere else, yet insist talking about love was daydreaming. Clearly she was the one daydreaming, but built a wall for herself—didn't want to climb over, and had no plans to.

In the end, Cheng Jinlan didn't take the painting home either. It was a memory she desperately tried to discard, so how could she bring a painting back as a constant reminder?

But by the time she picked up Cheng Liqi from kindergarten and returned home, the painting had also been delivered home, with a note from her friend, 【Avoidance is futile for some matters. Since you can't let go, you might as well bravely confront it.】

Cheng Liqi circled around the painting, “Wow, mom, is this painting of my little island?”

That remote island originally belonged to Cheng Jinlan. After Cheng Liqi was born, she transferred it to her name. She never returned after that. In recent summers, Fei Zuhui would take Cheng Liqi there to stay for a period.

“Yes, it depicts your little island.” Cheng Jinlan didn't want Cheng Liqi to look too closely at this painting, carrying it towards the basement storage.

Cheng Liqi followed excitedly behind, asking, “Are the people in the painting mom and dad?”

Cheng Jinlan answered, “No,” afraid she wouldn't believe it, she added, “It's your maternal grandparents when they were young.”

Cheng Liqi made a long “oh” sound. Grandpa said Grandma had short hair when she was young, but the woman in the painting clearly had long hair like mom. But she wouldn't poke holes in mom's story.

Before going to bed, Cheng Jinlan thought of something and asked, "Mom, is Dad coming to watch my performance tomorrow?"

Tomorrow was Children's Day, and Cheng LiQi and Shen Chuqi were going to perform a four-hand piano duet on stage. Mom would be there, grandma would be there, uncle Tang Yicheng always said he wouldn't go watch her performances but ended up showing up every time, and Shao Chengze would also come, but grandpa Fei Zuhui was too busy to attend, though grandma would record a video for grandpa to watch later.

She had been so focused on trying to figure out how to trick Dad earlier that morning that she forgot to invite him.

Cheng Jinlan kissed her forehead and said, "Your dad has to work tomorrow, so he probably can't make it. But don't worry, Mom will record a video that you can send to him later, okay?"

Cheng LiQi nodded. "Mom, you have to film me looking very beautiful and pretty!"

"My little LiQi is already so beautiful, there's no need for Mom to do anything special," Cheng Jinlan said with a smile.

"If Mom is beautiful, then of course I'm beautiful too!" Cheng LiQi declared.

"Alright my little sweetheart, it's time for bed. Sleep well tonight, and you'll look even more beautiful tomorrow."

"You're right, I need to sleep well so my skin will be nice." Cheng LiQi patted her little blanket. "Mom, will you sleep with me tonight?"

"Of course, Mom loves sleeping with her little LiQi the most."

Cheng LiQi giggled happily and snuggled into her mother's arms. Children fall asleep quickly, and though she had been chatting animatedly just moments before, within two minutes her little chest was rising and falling as she drifted into dreamland.

Cheng Jinlan lay in bed for a while but couldn't fall asleep. She slowly slipped her arm out from under Cheng LiQi, got up and put on a cardigan before going out to the balcony.

When she couldn't sleep, she liked to sit on the balcony for a bit. The summer nights were cooler outside than in the air-conditioned room, and the roses on the balcony were in full bloom. Cheng Jinlan dimmed the lights on the balcony and put on some soft music, then reclined languidly on a deck chair.

Her phone lit up on the table and she stared at the number for a while before picking up. She didn't say anything.

The person on the other end of the line seemed surprised that she had answered, and was momentarily at a loss for words. Both sides were silent.

Just as Cheng Jinlan was about to hang up, Shao Chengze spoke. "Still not asleep?"

"If I was asleep could I have answered your call?" Cheng Jinlan retorted.

Shao Chengze chuckled, conceding it was a silly question. "Are you able to come out for a bit? I'm at your gate."

"If you have something to say, say it over the phone. If not, I'm hanging up." Cheng Jinlan had no intention of going out.

"It's Children's Day tomorrow. I have some gifts for little LiQi." Shao Chengze leaned against his car, looking at the lights within the compound. "You probably don't want me showing up at the kindergarten tomorrow, so I came to deliver them tonight." She did indeed not want him appearing at the kindergarten tomorrow. After a long pause, Cheng Jinlan got up and walked down the stairs to open the small gate in the yard.

She took the gifts from him and turned to leave, but Shao Chengze called out to stop her.

Cheng Jinlan looked back at him. He seemed to have just come from some business dinner, still in a formal suit though his tie was loosened and two shirt buttons undone. Her gaze lingered for a moment on the cut on his lip before quickly shifting away. "Anything else?"

"I'd like to give you compensation and an apology."

Cheng Jinlan looked at him suspiciously. "Apologize for what?"

"The sunglasses you lent me to cover my eyes yesterday - I was going to return them today but accidentally broke them. I had my secretary order a replacement pair but they were limited edition and sold out. "

"If they're broken then they're broken, no need to replace them." Cheng Jinlan sensed a trap.

Shao Chengze smiled gently. "That won't do. You didn't get my mouth and hands for free, so naturally I can't take your sunglasses for free either. I have to do something for you - money is too vulgar." His voice was measured and faintly husky. "Judging by how things went last night, it seems you were quite satisfied with I think this makes up for it fairly."

Cheng Jinlan looked at him silently.

Shao Chengze went on. "Those sunglasses of yours cost tens of thousands. My services are worth a penny. So I'll have to serve you millions of times to make up for it. Once a day, that's thousands of years."

"Mr. Shao is so good at math." Cheng Jinlan's words held a sharp edge.

Shao Chengze smiled amiably. "No math required here, just a calculator to figure it out. Even if I live out my full lifespan, I can't make it to a thousand years old. So I can only devote the rest of my life to you. Any time you need, I can come over to be of service. Quite a good bargain, wouldn't you say?"

Cheng Jinlan looked at him with amusement. "I don't know where Mr. Shao got the idea that I was satisfied with his services. There's a saying - you get what you pay for. The penny I paid means your services are only worth that penny. With skills like yours, no amount of sessions will be of any use. I'm not lacking for money - if I have needs, I'd rather spend hundreds of thousands to get quality service that's worth more than your millions of times."

Before Cheng Jinlan could finish, she was pulled swiftly into his embrace, barely avoiding crashing into his chest since she was holding the pink gift box.

Sensing his intentions, she put a hand against his shoulder and warned harshly, "Don't you dare, Shao Chengze."

Shao Chengze looked into her eyes. The last time, in the parking garage, she had asked "Do you dare, Shao Chengze?"

Did he dare?

Of course he dared. He always dared.

That day in the parking garage, he thought she was married so as long as she dared, there was nothing he wouldn't dare either.

Let alone now.

She knew what family he was from yet still let him get close. What did that imply? Shao Chengze had an inkling, though he intended to discover it slowly. She shouldn't provoke him like this.

The mouth may lie but other parts are surely soft - her teeth, for example.

Shao Chengze gripped her chin tilting upwards and leaned down, giving her no chance to retreat.

Cheng Jinlan began to lift her knee but he trapped her legs with his. Not only was there a disparity in strength between men and women, he knew her sensitive spots all too well. His hands remained proper, just holding her waist tightly, but his lips and tongue roamed freely. For some reason, though her teeth should have been clenched shut, her jaw relaxed.

Unlike last night when he was in a daze and she drunk, they were both clear-headed now, yet equally losing themselves.

The gift box in her hands dropped to the ground with a soft thud, jolting the entranced people back to awareness. Cheng Jinlan opened her eyes and bit down again on the cut she had made last night until fresh blood came out.

"Let me go." She was angry and ashamed at her brief loss of control. Her hands had even gripped his neck instead of slapping him like they should have.

But Shao Chengze did not release her, his lips still pressed to hers as he asked softly, "How much do you think this session of my services is worth? On par with those hundreds of thousands ones?"

Voices could be heard faintly in the distance - it seemed to be her parents, Fei Zuhui and Cheng Shanhe, who liked taking an evening stroll after dinner, though they usually returned by 9pm. She didn't know why they were out so late today.

Cheng Jinlan was about to speak but Shao Chengze's warm breath lingered teasingly at the corners of her mouth. "Think carefully before you answer."

If she couldn't think clearly, he didn't mind just kissing her until she did. The night was long after all.

"A million, a million! Are you satisfied?" Cheng Jinlan was exasperated, afraid he might kiss her again. Being caught kissing a man by her parents at their front door was a scene she dreaded imagining. She felt like she was seventeen or eighteen again.

Shao Chengze was not entirely satisfied with this answer.

He wanted her to explicitly admit he was expensive.

Yet she had acknowledged it.

On second thought, he felt it was better to be cheap.

A million was too much. Exactly one dollar would be perfect - more than a penny, yet still able to tie him to her for the rest of his life.
