Chapter 196 Attack Exam (7)

‘Where the hell are you looking?’

A message that could only be deciphered by looking at the shape of the lips.

At the same time.


The view of the left eye went pitch black.



The horrific scream of Professor Sadi echoed throughout the arena.

The left side of her face was in intense pain!

However, the golem’s face remained unscathed, without a single arrow mark.

“…? …? …?”

Professor Sadi reached out and felt her left face.



A thick and sturdy arrow shaft embedded in, and a hot liquid flowing where the eyeball should be.

An arrow shaft. It was deeply lodged in Professor Sadi’s left eye.

The spectators were speechless, shocked by the unexpected accident.

“Wh-What is happening? Why did this happen all of a sudden?”

“Did the direction of the wind change? An arrow flew in from somewhere!”

“Isn’t that the arrow Vikir shot earlier? In the early stages of the match!”


“Oh, come on. That’s not possible. Why would it come flying now?”

“It must be because the wind changed, bringing back the arrow that flew to a strange place in the early stages!”

“Is it even possible in this world?”

“No one could have predicted such an unprecedented accident.”

Even the faculty was stunned by this absurd situation.

“Wait, I’ve seen students getting hurt a lot, but it’s the first time I’ve seen a professor get injured.”

“And it’s Professor Sadi of all people. Haha, truly… you could call this karma.”

“Oh my. A colleague got hurt, and you’re talking about karma! This is not the time for that!”

“Should we discipline that student Vikir then?”

“Why would you say that? It’s not like the student did it on purpose. It’s just a natural disaster, isn’t it?”

In the early stages of the match, among the many misfires by Vikir, one arrow soared high on the wind and fell in a circular motion.

In other words, it was purely an accidental incident.

Moreover, Professor Sadi was so focused on controlling the golem imitating her movements that she failed to detect the arrow falling toward her.

Her limited field of vision as a result of her rage and obsession was also a disadvantage.


The score sheet appeared at that time, along with the notification sound announcing the end of the test.

[Cold Department Class B, No 256, Name – ‘Vikir’, Attack exam]

[Instructor: Sadi]

-Effective Hits: 2 times (1 point each)

-Effective Evasion: 28 times (1 point each)

-Effective Defense: 0 times (1 point each)

-Critical Hit: 1 time (10 points each)

=Total Score: 40 points

With two effective hits, Vikir scored 2 points, and with twenty-eight effective evasions, he scored 28 points.

It was the result of Vikir continuously evading the whip attacks.

And finally, the attack on Professor Sadi’s main body was counted as one critical hit, earning 10 points.

Since the golem was rendered inoperable, it could be considered a critical hit.

Although scoring a personal injury incident appeared ambiguous, the magic system appeared to have made the decision.

Since the establishment of the Colosseo Academy, there had never been a case where a professor was injured during a test, so everyone was understandably bewildered.


Vikir’s total score was 40 points, setting a new record for the year.

And this was despite Professor Sadi being the instructor.

As the faculty looked at the score display, they whispered among themselves in disbelief.

“Haha… She was so focused on tormenting the student in front of her that she didn’t realize the danger.”

“It’s just bad luck. Who would think that an arrow would come flying at them from nowhere?”

“It’s self-inflicted. She brought this upon herself.”

“But then, how should we grade that student Vikir?”

“What do you mean, how? The magic system has already calculated it as 40 points.”

“But if we do that, won’t some students intentionally target professors in the future?”

“That doesn’t make sense. How did you leap over towards such a distant concern? Today’s events are just an unlucky accident.”

“Until now, unprecedented events are causing confusion among the professors.”

Even among the professors, opinions were divided. Some argued that this incident was an accident, and Vikir’s critical hit score should be recognized as valid points. Others believed that, despite being an accident, Vikir’s critical hit score should be excluded from the calculation.

Nevertheless, there was no disagreement that this incident was an accident.

Meanwhile, Tudor, Sancho, Figgy, and Bianca showed strong reactions.

“I-Is it over?”

“Well, Vikir won the match!”

“Winning or losing in this match? It’s just about scoring within the time limit!”

“But how can this be? Only Professor Sadi got the short end of the stick!”

Even Dolores, who usually enjoyed such situations, heaved a relieved sigh at the reactions of her juniors.

While it was unfortunate that an arrow ended up in Professor Sadi’s eye, it didn’t feel excessive. Considering how she had nearly deliberately blinded Figgy’s left eye before, and the trauma created in the minds of many talented individuals over time, it seemed like a mild punishment.

At that moment.

“Enough! All tests are halted right here!”

Professor Banshee’s booming shout echoed throughout the entire arena.

He, along with specialized healing professors, ascended to the arena.

“Vikir, the test is over. You can descend now.”

In response, Vikir simply nodded without uttering a word.

Under Professor Banshee’s guidance, all kinds of tests taking place in the vast arena were abruptly stopped.

Soon, medical personnel dressed in white rushed to respond to Professor Banshee’s call.

As they were only present in the areas where students were taking the test, it took them some time to reach the space where the professors stayed.

Eventually, Professor Banshee approached Sadi, who was sitting down, and said, “Professor Sadi, please get treatment. And let’s refrain from any more reckless behavior after this incident, shall we…?”

However, Professor Sadi did not even seem to hear Professor Banshee’s words.

“Hoho… hohoho-”

Suddenly, Sadi began to laugh.Despite the blood oozing between her fingers covering her face, she continued to laugh.

Then, Sadi removed the hand covering her face.


Professor Banshee frowned.

The arrow sticking out of her left eye, the distorted flesh around it, and the spouting blood were all too vivid.

“Professor Sadi, please get treatment… Huh!?”

In an instant, Professor Banshee’s face was stained with shock.

The students, professors, and spectators who had witnessed this scene were equally astonished.

“W-What is she doing now?”

“Ugh! Is she insane?”

“MY GOD… What am I witnessing right now?”

Each one had a similar reaction.


Sadi forcefully pulled the arrow out of her left eye.

The straight arrow shaft and the sharp tip were still intact.

At the end of it was the eyeball that had just been extracted from its socket.

Everyone was overwhelmed by the madness in Sadi’s act of pulling out her own eye.

And then, at that moment.

Sadi, with her mouth wide open, sent another shockwave through everyone.


Sadi began to chew on the eyeball impaled on the arrowhead.

The sound of the eyeball being crushed and chewed echoed loudly in the ears of all spectators.

Professor Banshee, too, was petrified with astonishment, as were the students and professors.

“Wh-What is she doing right now?”

“Ugh! She’s gone mad!”


Each had a similar reaction.

And suddenly, Sadi laughed.

“My grandfather’s inheritance. Why waste it if I can use it? Hohohoho~”

In the madness-laden smile, the medical personnel couldn’t approach, and even Professor Banshee was left speechless and partially open-mouthed.

Ignoring the medical personnel, Sadi looked at them and said, “I don’t need your help.”

After finishing her words, she rolled her now lone remaining eye back.

There, you could see Vikir descending from the arena, seemingly indifferent to everything…

His gaze was already directed elsewhere, as if the events that had unfolded so far were of no significance.

Professor Sadi’s other eye also had a hint of bloodshot.

“Hohooho- amusing. It’s so amusing. That guy… was from Class B, right?”

Only now did Professor Sadi turn her head to look at Professor Banshee, as if questioning when he had climbed up to the arena.

“Discipline me. I don’t care.”


“Instead. On the day my discipline is lifted, I will immediately take charge of the Cold Department Class B.”

In Professor Sadi’s voice, flowing out as if possessed, there was a bizarre fervor that instilled fear in all the professors and students of the Cold Department.

And directed towards that audience.


Sadi merely winked, with no eye, just an eyesocket…

“That was just a wink. Hohoho”

Truly a weird woman.

* * *

The long midterms were finally over.

Defense, Attack, Written Tests.

When the comprehensive results of these exams, with weights of 50%, 40%, and 10% respectively, were announced, everyone was surprised.

st place: Vikir

nd place: Sinclaire

rd place: Tudor Donquixote

th place: Highbro Le Baskerville

th place: Granola De Reviadon

th place: Bianca Usher

th place: Middlebro Le Baskerville

th place: Sancho Barataria

th place: Lowbro Le Baskerville

th place: Figgy

The students who had lost a significant number of points by encountering Professor Sadi in the Attack exam saw their scores restored. This was due to questionable bonus points being added to the written test scores. Although the written test had a smaller weight, it was a key element that could completely overturn the balance, and students who had unfairly lost points to Professor Sadi could now receive compensation.


Among the students who took the exam against Professor Sadi, the only one who didn’t receive bonus points was Vikir.

The sole perfect score.

Vikir, who had produced shockingly impressive research results in the free research report for the written test, couldn’t be given bonus points.

Although he had achieved commendable scores in the Defense Test and obtained high points against Professor Sadi in the Attack Test, Vikir, with his contributions in resolving the magical stone incident, single-handedly carrying the Defense Test, and dealing a critical hit to Professor Sadi, secured the top spot in this year’s class.

…Of course, this was not the result Vikir had wanted.

Initially, Vikir had only intended to perform well in the written test without drawing attention to himself. He didn’t want to be in the spotlight.

However, in the Defense Test, Baby madam accidentally caused an incident, and in the Attack Test, there were various variables, including Professor Sadi almost blinding Figgy.

As a result of these events, Vikir deeply reflected on himself, realizing the lack of thoroughness on his part.

But whether Vikir was having such thoughts or not, the students around him didn’t give him a break, swarming and clamoring.

“Vikir! How are you.”

“I honestly thought just your brain was good, but your physique is no joke either.”

“Hey, oppa~, Do you wanna go on a date with me~?”

“Well, you have aura, combat senses, monster strategies – you have everything.”

“If your head is in good shape, your body is in good shape, and if your body is in good shape, your head is in good shape. Everything must be comfortable for you because you’re good at both!”

“Hey, aren’t you blatantly flattering him too much? Didn’t you call him a stinky commoner before?!”

“You too! Aren’t you in the wrong place too?”

“I’m taking the seat next to Vikir.”

“I’m sorry, but even if you offer me money, I won’t sell my seat.”“Vikir, do you happen to be interested in joining our study group? Only students from well-off families or those who excel in their studies are in our group.”

“Have this while studying. You looked cool yesterday.”

“Hey, who are you having lunch with today? If you don’t have anyone to eat with, how about having lunch with me?”

“All the professors have been talking about you. When I went to the office, they were all admiring the exam paper you submitted.”

“Vikir! The senior nobles are looking for you!”

“Amazing! I saw this morning that even the high-class seniors were looking for Vikir!?”

Amidst the numerous voices around him, Vikir only slightly furrows his brow.


“Hey, what’s everyone staring at? Get outta here!”

A rugged-looking male student pushed through the crowd.

Highbro Le Baskerville.

“I’m the hero of Class B, the cold-blooded warrior. So, don’t stick around and fawn over this commoner. I’ll kill him.”

Blatantly forcing the issue, Highbro, with his impressive 4th overall ranking, left few students who dared to protest in the face of his determination.

The cowed students return to their seats.

Only then does Highbro, unnoticed by anyone, gesture with his thumb toward Vikir.

‘We’ve taken care of everything.’

‘…Well done.’

No words need to be spoken; their intentions are clear.

Highbro received Vikir’s praise, and happily returned to his seat.

However, criticism from Middlebro and Lowbro followed him.

“You’re insufferable, bro!”

“Just wanting praise for yourself!”

“If you feel unjust, watch the master’s mood well, like me…”

The triplets of Baskerville have now become loyal henchmen only taking Vikir’s orders.

But some individuals didn’t care about them.

“Vikir! How’s your body?”

It was Tudor, Sancho, Bianca, Figgy, Sinclaire, and others.

As soon as Tudor entered the classroom, he patted Vikir’s shoulder and laughed.

“This guy! If you had that kind of strength, you should have reported to me first! I worried for nothing!”

Fortunately, the friends’ attitude did not change even after seeing Vikir’s strength.

Although Tudor and Sinclaire were a bit disappointed.

“Oh, Vikir, I couldn’t say it in the room earlier because of the situation. I have something to show you!”

Figgy stepped forward and handed something to Vikir.

It was articles from yesterday’s evening newspaper.

“[Breaking News] Massive Incident During Defense Exam! 1st-Year Cold Department student Handles the Situation!? / Views: 50,899

-The mid-term Defense Exam for first-year students is a traditional test that everyone must go through at least once… However, a recent incident during this exam… This major accident occurred due to a lack of safety awareness… At that time, as the blame-shifting among professors escalated, a male student stepped forward to save everyone… Meanwhile, the main cause of this commotion is attributed to Professor Sadi, who left her workplace without permission with the key to the magic barrier… Finally, attaching a video capturing the heroic appearance of 1st-year hero Vikir, who pierced through the poisonous mist and emerged from the barrier, to this article…”

[Comment: 33,021]

ㅇㅇ(Cold Department 1st-Year): Wow;;; Look at him tearing through the poisonous mist;;; So cool… powerful…乃乃乃

↳ㅇㅇ(Hot Department 2nd-Year): Is this the guy? Why is he there… that… my husbandㅎ

↳ㅇㅇ(Hot Department 1st-Year): Wasn’t his name Vikir? Anyway, it was quite a common name, right?

ㅇㅇ(Hot Department 4th-Year): Wow, but tearing through the poisonous mist for friends is truly legendary, right?

↳ㅇㅇ(Hot Department 2nd-Year): They say noble 2nd-years and 3rd-years are having a showdown inside the academy right nowㅋㅋㅋ

ㅇㅇ(Cold Department 2nd-Year): Isn’t the showdown only happening inside the academy?? Outside the academy, guilds and clans are already lining up to recruit him as soon as he graduatesㅋㅋㅋ

↳ㅇㅇ(Cold Department 3rd-Year): Seriously??? He’s just a 1st-year now, right??

↳ㅇㅇ(Hot Department 3rd-Year): Revealing his prowess already, he’s not at the 1st-year level anymore ㅋㅋㅋEven the graduation class can’t do that~



In the newspaper shown by Figgy, a video shot with a mana screen is playing.

The scene where Vikir tears through the magical barrier filled with poisonous mist and shoots arrows is causing a surge in views.

‘…When did they even shoot this.’

Vikir rubbed his forehead with his hand.

He felt extremely tired from briefly taking a break after the mid-term exam and then going on an assassination mission.

Now, with the newspaper article, it seemed like things would become even more troublesome for a while.

At that moment.

“Why are you all gathering in front of the 1st-year classroom? Do you want to face disciplinary action?”

A cold voice is heard from the classroom entrance, towards the corridor.

Professor Banshee is driving away a group of students.

They are likely upperclassmen from the 2nd and 3rd years.

Noble and Great Clan Factions.

A group made up of the children of noble families and a group made up of the children of the seven great clans.

Although not officially recognized as a formal group like the student council, they exercise more rights across all grades, forming an autonomous body called the Autonomous Council.

They are here to capture the rising dark horse Vikir.

Of course, despite their imposing presence, ultimately they are students, and facing the cold gaze of Professor Morg Banshee, they ran.


Professor Banshee.

As soon as he entered, he found Vikir sitting by the window.

With a voice as cold as pouring cold water, Professor Banshee woke up Vikir, who was dozing off a bit.

“Vikir, wake up.”


“Are you daydreaming with your eyes closed again? I wonder what kind of research you’ll do today to astonish the academic world.”

“No, I just dozed off.”

“…Honest, aren’t you? Minus one point.”

Professor Banshee still disliked Vikir.

Ever since the bell rang, he emphasized the start of the class immediately, and he considered Vikir dozing off during class time a valid reason for deducting points.

“Ugh, Professor Banshee is at it again.”

“He always deducts Vikir points, right?”

“What can we do? Vikir has accumulated so many points again that he has to go on another forced volunteer activity!”

“But isn’t it chaotic outside because of the current situation?”

“But soon it will be festival season. It would be too unfair to do volunteer work inside the academy while everyone else is enjoying the party outside.”

Tudor, Sancho, Figgy, Bianca, Sinclaire, and others expressed their concerns, but…


Of course, Vikir completely ignored Professor Banshee’s scolding, as his mind was already filled with the contents of the letter sent by CindiWendy last night.

“…Information about the ten corpses have arrived.”

The boring part is now over.

He will once again go out to the battlefield where blood and flesh abound.

Vikir, with his eyes closed, was already filled with the anticipation of his next hunt.
