"Your Highness, you seem to have forgotten an important country." Carl said with a smile.

   "Oh?" Qin Tian was taken aback.

"The United States on the other side of the ocean. It is the largest country whose industrial output value has surpassed ours. That country has a population of more than 90 million, or even nearly 100 million. Once we can enter that market and sell well, we will get The profit will be amazing." Carl looked solemn.

  Qin Tian nodded: "Indeed, the United States is a very important market. If we can succeed there, we can indeed obtain very large profits."

  Of course Qin Tian will not forget the United States. The industrial strength of this country is already number one in the world. Although in many advanced technologies, they are still unable to compare with Europe. However, its terrifying industrial production capacity has been clearly revealed. It is difficult to compare with other countries.

  The United States in the future will be a superpower that dominates the world. This chosen country has a superior geographical location, is separated by two oceans, and is surrounded by small countries, so it is impossible to pose a threat to them. At the same time, the huge land, rich resources, and large population make the United States have all the conditions to become an industrial power. In addition to the First World War and the Second World War, the whole of Europe was smashed. This naturally gave the Americans, who made a lot of war windfalls, the opportunity to become a superpower with a huge amount of money.

  If Qin Tian can help Germany reverse the fate of defeat in World War I. Then, it can be predicted that the United States will become Germany's great enemy. This made Qin Tian full of wariness towards this country.


"Carl, the first round of expansion, let's start as soon as possible. The United States is also included in the first round of expansion countries. I hope that by the second half of the year, we can successfully enter these countries. The second round of expansion, next year It will start in the first half of the year. The third round of expansion will start in the second half of next year. We will strive to develop our lottery company into a giant in the lottery industry within three years. By then, we will all gain considerable profits." Qin Heaven is full of expectations for the development of Deutsche Lottery, which will become an inexhaustible gold mine. All of his development plans require huge financial support from the Deutsche Welfare Lottery.

   "Okay, Your Highness." Karl was also attracted by Qin Tian's blueprint for the future. Once all expansion goals are achieved, Deutsche Welfare Lottery will become a behemoth. And as the general manager of the company, you will get great achievements. Of course, huge profits can also be obtained from it.

  The German market alone can bring Karl tens of millions of profits every year. If it expands to the whole of Europe, and even includes the Americas, then the profit will probably be multiplied several times! It is foreseeable that this field will be a field of huge profits.

"By the way, Karl. In order to reduce troubles when entering foreign markets, it is best to attract some local tycoons to join us. However, in terms of profit distribution, we can reduce the local welfare investment and transfer the money that originally belonged to the royal family to us. We will distribute the part of the profits to them. Only after all those local snakes are tied to our chariot, will our local development be guaranteed." Qin Tian urged.

   Although, this will share some of the profits. But from Qin Tian's point of view, it was worth it. With the support of local local snakes, it is easier to carry out various tasks and is less likely to be resisted. The name of Qin Tian, ​​the prince of the German Empire, may play a certain role in Germany and the United States. However, in countries such as Britain, France and the United States, I am afraid that there is not much deterrence.

   "Yes, Your Highness." Karl nodded.


  After entrusting Karl with the responsibility for the expansion of the Welfare Lottery Company, Qin Tian put his main energy on the Deutsche Shipyard. The "Nassau-class" battleship is his first step in enhancing the military strength of the German Navy and even Germany as a whole. This step must be successful. As long as this step is successful, it will be easier for him to influence the development of Germany's military power in the future. After all, with a precedent, it will naturally be more persuasive.

   After Brutt became the general manager of Deutsche Shipyard, he has fully started the expansion of the shipyard. A lot of money was poured down, so that the construction of the new slipway began. Staff recruitment has also started. From several other shipyards, Brut began to poach the wall like crazy. In particular, the Germania shipyard where he worked before has become the hardest hit area.

  This kind of behavior naturally made other shipyards very dissatisfied. However, with Qin Tian's support, Brutt is naturally confident. With sufficient financial support and Qin Tian's backing, the development of Deutschland Shipyard is improving with each passing day. It is estimated that it will not be long before they will be able to build battleships. The "Nassau-class" battleship will become the water test of the German shipyard. Of course, even if it is a water test, it is a big deal to build four ships at a time.

  Once Deutsche Shipyard succeeds, it will be a disaster for other shipyards. This will mean that it will be difficult for them to obtain orders for the Navy's large battleships. Just relying on orders for some small and medium-sized warships, they can't get enough to eat at all!

  Of course, if the "Nassau-class" battleship is to be successfully built and the design data can be achieved on paper, there are undoubtedly many problems that need to be resolved.

   Regarding steam turbines, Qin Tian has asked Brutt to send someone to America. The American engineer Curtis single-stage steam turbine is very suitable. As for the Parsons steam turbine of the British engineer, don't think about it, the British will definitely not sell this technology to Germany. The Curtis steam turbine in the United States has become the only way for Germany to obtain this technology.


  In addition to power, the main gun and armor are also problems that plague Qin Tian. Three 305mm main guns, preferably 50 times the caliber, can make the main guns of the battleship have more powerful armor-piercing capabilities. In addition, the armor of battleships also requires stronger defense. In Germany, these two problems seem to be solved only by Krupp.

   "Carl, help me contact Krupp. I will visit tomorrow!" Qin Tian ordered.

  Krupp is a huge enterprise group in Germany. It not only includes arms companies, but also steel companies and shipyards. It spans multiple fields and is definitely the top large industrial group in Germany.
