Chapter 48: Final push  

Seeing the splitting Betas a few of the archers who were with Jack split to keep them busy. Allowing the others to continue onward.

The group who had split were just enough for every three soldiers to face two Betas. Allowing one of the NPCs to move between the other two. Offering support and helping them to keep the Betas back, and maybe with luck killing one or two.

In total 4 Betas had charged them, leaving 10 with the Alpha. The rest of the group was only 17 so the fight would certainly be very harsh. But no one stopped in their sprint, rather they sped up. Knowing that if they slowed then the chance of the other four Betas coming back would be greater.

Instead of sending another group forward the rest of the Betas stayed with the Alpha. They knew that any human charging them was either brave and stupid or strong and confident. From the way the previous group was quickly dealt with, making their charge obsolete, the beasts realized it was likely to be the latter.

Due to this, they did not want to split up again, instead of grouping on the Alpha. Seeing this Eldrian smiled, he knew that in a group fight the NPCs had an advantage. Simply due to communication, which was far quicker and more fluent than what he had seen from the beasts.

Beasts seemed to only communicate via putting attention onto something by howling in its direction or body language, which required an environment where they could move their body for communicating.


Soon the group stopped their charge. Having arrived near the Alpha and his group. Each group eyed the other with caution, waiting for an opening.

Eldrian anxiously stood in the middle of the group of soldiers. He knew that he was supposed to help against the Alpha, but he did not feel good about the plan. From what he deduced it seemed like Jack, John, Vivian and he will take it on.

He was glad that they had another member helping them, and even more that they had others to keep the Betas busy. He was certain the other plan would have been to use the injured soldiers or something, which would have been much worse.

Even so, he kept swallowing hard. Struggling to do this action normally.

This conclusion of his meant leaving 13 others NPCs to keep the 10 Betas busy. This part seemed badly planned to him, but he also couldn't think of a different one. Seeing as they had no spare people who would be able to match against a Beta.

His other plan was basically just throw lives at them until they won or lost.


"Does a Direwolf have any weaknesses?" Eldrian asked Vivian as they waited. He hoped to hear some good news to ease his unease.

John replied instead of Vivian, "No, they aren't a really strong species of monsters, thus they also don't have a very strong weaknesses. I believe they are more vulnerable to flames, but only when it can overcome their resistance. Even for a Beta no nearby magician would be able to overcome this. Only Carl or William would be able, but they are busy at other places."

'So, it is going to be a hard fight.' Eldrian thought as they continued in waiting. The pressure from the two groups seemed to be such that the other beasts and soldiers actively avoided coming near them. Which surprised Eldrian he had expected the beasts would rush them, trying to help the Alpha.

A few minutes later the Alpha became tired of the standstill and started moving. It slowly made its way to the front of its group, before suddenly charging.

Luckily all the soldiers had been observing it movements. They managed to react in time even though the charge was so fast. The Alpha reaching them in less than two seconds, having covered over 10 meters in that time.

The front soldiers jumped to the sides, avoiding its attack. While those behind swiftly moved forward to block the Betas from taking advantage of their comrades on the floor.


The fight quickly became chaotic. The soldiers trying to keep the Betas busy while the designated four surrounded the Alpha.

Eldrian found himself at its front, wanting to curse the others. They had reacted far faster than him. He had been so shocked by its speed that he had taken a second to grasp this terrifying fact. Which resulted in him being tight in front of the Alpha.

"Good boy..." Eldrian let slip as he swallowed hard.

The Alpha gave him no time to recognize what he had said. It sent a leg swipe attack at him, while also bringing one of its hind legs out, aiming it at John.

Eldrian succeeded in not getting hit, only because the Alpha had to dodge Jack's attack. Who had attacked at the exact time the Alpha had made its own move. Jack had managed to pick up around 15 arrows while running over and the first had been released. He was trying to use them to their utmost.

Eldrian surprisingly heard a different beast cry in pain, barely stopping himself from looking for the source, Eldrian dodged again.

The fight continued in this manner for a while, with Eldrian dancing at the max range of his spear. He remained in range only to stay a threat, while never having found the time to use his spear. Many times he felt the air pressure flow over him, making his heart stop for a beat as he realized how dangerous this was.

As he danced the others aimed for shallow but impairing cuts or thrusts. Wanting to exhaust the Alpha and force it to use its magic. While it would start regening the shallow wounds very quickly, it would also lose stamina at an alarming rate.

Doing this they managed to avoid the Alpha's counterattacks, while slowly injuring it.

Around a minute later of dodging Eldrian finally managed to bring his spear up in a nice position at the correct time. Causing the Alpha to have to stop its attack, which destroyed its rhythm. This allowed Vivian to get a deep cut into one of its front legs.

Howling in rage the Alpha turned its gaze to Vivian, wanting to switch targets. But Eldrian quickly followed up, showing the beast why it had focused on him.

This reason was - A pointy stick is very irritating to face. Especially when you couldn't rush the user of said pointy stick.

It wanted to get rid of Eldrian, as it was far easier to dodge and attack the swords users as they had the same range as it. While Eldrian could technically attack it from a safe distance if it did not focus on him.

The thrust from Eldrian forces the beast to stop its attack at Vivian. This caused Jack to get a solid hit with an arrow. The arrow going through one of its legs, almost disabling the leg.

Feeling the new pain the Alpha became furious. The coordination of the group was simply too good. They all actually only fought around Eldrian, but this gave them time to consider their moves. While Eldrian just needed to survive.

It rushed at Eldrian anew, seeing that its eyes were bloodshot Eldrian felt like cursing. Before now he believed he might survive after blocking, now he felt it would mean his death. As such he danced again, luckily it was easier now that one of the Alpha's legs was injured. Allowing Eldrian to even feint a strike at the beast every few dodges.

Slowly Eldrian felt like it might indeed work. He only worried that a Beta would soon come to help the Alpha. It felt to him like they had been fighting for hours, he knew this was untrue but had no idea how long it had really been. He was amazed that they hadn't been interrupted yet.

Thinking of this Eldrian felt a pressure, squeezing his heart and making it harder to breathe. He realized that they weren't going to be able to whittle it down so slowly. Realizing that it would simply lead to their defeat he started thinking that he really did not want everyone here to die. He did not want Vivian to die on what was supposed to be a simple mission.

'I don't want to die either, but it is far more important that they survive.' He thought, glancing at Vivian. Not able to give her more than a glance or he would miss the Alpha's attack.

'Let's do this!' He hyped himself up, getting ready to put it all on the line.

Again he entered his special mindset without realizing that it was happening. The Alpha's attack became visible, while still extremely fast. Previously it had been a blur of movement, but now he could see the actual limb as it moved.

As the Alpha's attack came at him Eldrian dodged by going down onto one knee. From here he thrust his spear forward as fast as he could, while his hair was being blown around from the wind pressure caused by the Alpha's attack.

Clenching his teeth he held fast. The Alpha had dodged his attack with ease, simply by moving back a bit. He followed up his thrust by pushing the spear up in an upward slash, forcing the Alpha to dodge backwards again. The wound in its leg causing it to only barely manage this dodge.

Seeing it retreat from Eldrian's sudden attack the others attacked anew, adding more pressure onto the Alpha.

Eldrian followed his attack with a spin, using his bent knee to give him momentum in turning. In the spin he swung his back blade at the Alpha while following it up with the front blade less than a second later. Sliding his hands downward as the second attack arrive, causing the range of the attack to increase.

The Alpha not expecting the range increase took a shallow cut across its chest. Eldrian cursed when he saw how shallow the cut was. Realizing that its hide was far stronger than those of the previous beasts.

Having had enough of the irritating wounds which limited its mobility the Alpha used its skill. The blue stripes over its body started glowing as its wounds healed at a rate visible to the eye.

Eldrian was far too focused on its every move to miss this, but he discarded these thoughts from his head. He simply focused on its movements and his attacks.

Thinking, 'If you can heal a shallow wound, then I need to ensure it isn't shallow!'

Eldrian brought his spear around. He dodged an attack the Alpha sent out and returned it with one of his own. Thrusting towards the Alpha's heart he hoped to end it, but it dodged to the side. Taking a hit from Vivian as her sword glowed red, but the wound did little to it. Starting to heal right after taking the hit. But the burnt skin struggled to heal, making it a slower process. This distracted the Alpha as it was surprised at the pain which became worse instead of better.

Not aware of any of this Eldrian focused on trying to score a vital hit. The missed thrust left his spear to the left of the Alpha. Recognizing a dangerous opportunity Eldrian went for it.

He stepped to the right and pulled back on the end of his spear. Slashing his front blade into the Alpha. He used the pole as a counter-lever, pivoting it around his left hand. Causing a deep wound to the left of the Alpha's chest.

In return, the Alpha managed to hit him with its left leg. The attack hit Eldrian across the chest, ripping him open.

Eyes tearing up and gritting his teeth Eldrian refused to stop his attack. He realized that it was not enough, fighting through the pain from the attack, which was like none before. The pain felt devastating, making him want to simply faint. But with the help of willpower and adrenaline, he managed to end his attack.

Following his slash with a thrust. Right into the center of the wound he had made. Allowing his spear to easily penetrate its tough hide. The spear slid in smoothly up until the entire blade was inside it.

Seeing his attack succeed Eldrian cast a glance at his stats, looking for the XP message which wasn't present.

Instead he saw his HP at 0.5 while his stamina and mana were draining extremely fast. So fast it took only a few milliseconds for them both to run out.

After which, it all became dark for him.
