[Chapter 15 part 1] Wise   - Warping to the Isle of Dreams


Gathered under the skulls, the excitement was palatable. For once, everyone was on the same page as Silver. Except for Dawn. Must be Nero’s warning.

Wise felt more in control than he had in years, his new headband offering a thick layer of protection. What's more, the information let through was crisper. It’s marvelous.

Wise glanced fondly at the book in his lap. The Necronomicon. That was the name Light had suggested discovering the tome had no title. He’d loved it. It’s an appropriate combination of ‘necro-’ and ‘lexicon’. Nero’s artifact protected against the corruption of death’s magic. The subtle graininess was gone when he peered into the future. So refreshing.

Emboldened, he’d finally used the projector last night, and there’d been no headaches after a lengthy session. I no longer dread the Isle.

He recalled the unusual dialogue yesterday with Nero Ebonwood. The others would be shocked how much was said.


… … …

What’s going on? Wise thought confused.

<Nero> we’re having a wordless conversation. Just keep making inquiries and it’ll happen naturally.

Wise eyes widened. A silent exchange? Light would be jealous.

<Nero> Yes. Remember to fully explore each topic. The amount I can provide per query is about a paragraph. Now, I’ve something for you.

Nero pulled out a thin bronze band. What’s that?


<Nero> I made this in preparation for your departure. Your old one was fine for the isolation of Earth’s End but not the Isle of Dreams. Stay still.

Nero touched his forehead, and the weight grew lighter. Surprised, Wise reached up. How’d you do that?

<Nero> At the peak of necromancy, you can play around with space and time. How does it feel? Things should’ve improved.

They had. Nero’s reply was clearer. My original is amazing. He ran his fingers over the metal. So, what now?

<Nero> Don’t you wish to ask anything?

Yes, of course. His mind raced frantically. How do you deal with your ability without a headband?


<Nero> I spent a hundred and fifty years honing my foresight. You were simply born with it. That’s the difference between learning to swim in shallow water and being thrown in the ocean with weights on your legs. You never had chance.

Wise agreed it hadn’t been entirely fair. So how do I become like you?

<Nero> First there’s something you must know. What happened when you were nine wasn’t simply because of your advanced foresight. You possess a special ability. Sure, other necromancers can delve the future for answers, but it takes a conscious effort. The way knowledge effortlessly flows into your head, that’s a phenomenon unique to you… and me.

Wise frowned. What do you mean?

<Nero> You have a copy of my Sublime Vagary… which I now realized you are unfamiliar with. That’s troubling… A quick review is required. First ask about ‘immortalization and myth’. Next ask about ‘Sublime Vagaries’. Finally try this query again.

Sublime Vagaries… They were something certain immortals possessed. Tell me about ‘immortalization and myth’?

<Nero> Immortalization is the process of stepping into the Ether and becoming part-myth. Entering that raw conceptual space has side effects, including the potential to develop Sublime Vagaries.

What are ‘Sublime Vagaries’?

<Nero> They’re conceptual weapons, cheats which break reality itself. They’re the most powerful tools available to immortals and their most closely guarded secrets. For example, Lily Morgana gained fame with the title ‘living artillery’. From this, two abilities were born: ‘Godly Reach’ and ‘Infinity Engine’. Due to their nature, they often reinforce existing strengths.

I totally understand why Light loves this stuff. I wonder why did Astra told us not to concern ourselves…

<Nero> That’s not surprising. Few mortals ever possess them, and even many immortals lack their own. Besides a close connection to the Ether, there must be some story or experience, a core which inspires awe, for a Sublime Vagary to form around. For instance, millennia of isolation in the arctic. With such high requirements, they aren’t for children. You’re a special case.

Wise focused to avoid further unintended tangents. What’s the true nature of my foresight?

<Nero> It’s a copy of my ‘All-Knowing Grasp’. At a certain point, my skills as a clairvoyant became something of a legend. From this fame, a Sublime Vagary was born. Normally you’d be aware of this already. When one coalesces, its owner automatically obtains its name and an understanding of its nature. This didn’t happen in your case due to the circumstances.

What’s ‘All-Knowing Grasp’?The narrative has been stolen; if detected on Amazon, report the infringement.

<Nero> An ability which breaks the rules of foresight. Instead of tracking down the answers across the future, ‘All-Knowing Grasp’ automates the process while expanding its scope. Furthermore, as you discovered, it can do more than simply collect information. It’s not something a child should’ve possessed. Sorry about that.

How’d I end up with it?

<Nero> Sola unintentionally duplicated it. Perhaps it’s because my soul, foresight, and that particular power are so closely linked. Whatever the case, this explains why she never released copies of me. With her taint on top, they undoubtedly went mad too fast to be useful.

Does Astra know?

<Nero> She does not. We heroes shared our combat-related Sublime Vagaries but kept our others secret. In general, they’re more effective when they remain unknown. After your ‘incident’, I properly explained everything, omitting only a small part. Astra believes what happened was the result of your overwhelming talent.

Which explains the private conversation… Wise wasn’t sure how he felt about this. Do you expect me to stay quiet too?

<Nero> That’s what I would recommend. Astra and your siblings already understand how your ability functions. Learning it’s a partially-activated Sublime Vagary won’t change anything. However, I’ll leave the final decision to you. That was my intention all along.

Great, something else to worry about. More importantly, what do you mean by partially-activated?

<Nero> The full power of a Sublime Vagary is unleashed by consciously invoking it while speaking its name. Unspoken, they function at a fraction of their potential. A warning though: you aren’t ready yet. Try activating it and you’ll shatter your headband, driving yourself mad.

Releasing this ‘full power’ held no appeal to Wise. He filed the information in some dark, deep corner. Is there’s a way for me to live without this headband?

<Nero> There is. To do so, you must increase the weight of your life and place restrictions on your future.

The ‘weight of my life’?

<Nero> At the time of your ‘incident’, you were nine, with barely five years of ‘adult’ memories forming your identity. That was far too light, so you were overwhelmed.

How do I increase my life-weight?

<Nero> The passage of time. It’s already doubled since then. Place enough restrictions on your future, and that might be enough.

Why must I restrict my future? He didn’t like the sound of that.

<Nero> When using foresight, you see infinite possibilities based on your actions. It’s too much, clouding your vision. You must trim this down with self-imposed prohibitions.

How do I do this?

<Nero> You set up a forbidding ritual. Start with something easy to give up, like a hated food. Then create a mental ceremony to forbid yourself from eating the dish. Check your foresight and see if it worked. If not, refine your ritual and try again. Once successful, reinforce your covenant with more small restrictions. This way, when you move to the final step, it’ll stick.

What’s the final step?

<Nero> Life-altering prohibitions. They can be anything as long as they’re impactful. Ethical constraints like ‘I’ll never steal’. Pledges to adhere to specific philosophies. I suggest ‘I’ll never lie’, since you’ll be taking the oath anyway. Whatever you decide, make sure they’re limitations you can live with.

Wise disliked this intensely. Do all necromancers do this?

<Nero> By the time a person reaches their forties or fifties, they know who they are and have unconsciously given up on a wide range of activities. This, along with the oath, is enough for most. If you’re willing to wait that long, feel free to discard my advice.

So he’s offering a shortcut… That made it more acceptable. What happens if I accidentally break my restrictions?

<Nero> You’ll experience a period of debilitation and recover. Remember these are YOUR rules. YOU decided how they’re interpreted. All that matters is not intentionally breaking them.

And if I intentionally break them?

<Nero> All the benefits will disappear. You’ll have destroyed your faith in yourself. Rebuilding it could take years and might never be the same.

Wise sighed. At least he understood everything. If I carefully add constraints, I’ll eventually access my full potential. The longer he took, the less he’d have to give up.

Nero extended a black book, and Wise froze sensing his impending demise. Battling terror, he formed a coherent thought. What’s that?

<Nero> It’s a gift, if you have the courage. Don’t worry, you won’t be harmed.

I must take it. Wise reached forwards, subduing dread with rationality. Nero wouldn’t hurt me. He grabbed it, and the panic receded. What’s this?

<Nero> Something I’ve labored on for millennia. A book is its shape because knowledge is a necromancer’s truest weapon. Once you’ve mastered it, you’ll wield the might of Xarst itself.

Wise stared with awe. What’s it called?

<Nero> It has no title as I couldn’t settle on one. I’ll leave you the privilege.

What do I do with it?

<Nero> For now, keep it with you. It’s indestructible and simply holding it will protect you from death’s corruption.

Why did you create it?

<Nero> Another Dark Age is coming. Whether in weeks or decades, I can’t say. When it arrives, I’ll not be participating. This book is my replacement.

Why give me something this important?

<Nero> Because you’re Astra’s child. Also, as my double, you’re able to wield its full might.

… … …

“Since everyone’s here,” Astra said, snapping Wise from his reverie. “I’ve a few points to cover.”

Light interrupted, “Does your airship have a name?”

“No.” Astra answered. “Why?”

“Light titled Wise’s book.” Soul explained. “Now he wants to name more things.”

“Really?” Astra faced Wise.

“The Necronomicon.” Wise answered proudly.

Astra hesitated, “That’s… a fine name.” Why’d mother waver? She’d imagined herself riding a ship called ‘Necronomicon’ and found it unacceptable.

“Wise confirmed all airships have names.” Light added. Astra shot him a glare. Sorry. “On the Isle, a nameless ship will be out of place. It needs proper designation.”

Astra winced at the sound logic, knowing what would come next. It’s her fault for not taking care of this earlier. At last, she relented, “Alright, you can name it, but I retain veto rights. Understood?”

“I’ll think up a unforgettable moniker immediately.” Light nodded happily. They’re on different pages.

Astra sighed, “Moving on… we must hide your faces.” She dropped a bag on the table. “Later you can chose your own, but for now try these. Your lower face is enough.”

The veils and scarves were mostly shades of grey. Wise wrapped one around his neck, as did the others.

“So how do we explain these?” Dawn asked. “Are we also pretending to be ninjas?”

“It’s not pretending!” Light cut in, which they ignored.

Astra considered and grimaced, “I honestly hadn’t thought about it beyond hiding you faces. Everything’s been so rushed… Your suggestion is a good one, which is a depressing…”

“If we claim to be from some remote ‘shinobi village’ displaced by the eruptions, that’d explain our origins and our unfamiliarity with the outside world.” Dawn continued.

“Sure,” Astra conceded tiredly. “Until we come up of something better, let’s go with that.”

“Then there are basics we must go over.” Light stated. “Otherwise, no one will be fooled.”

“Do that later, when I’m not around.” Astra snapped.

So we’ll be acting the fool to explain away strange behavior. Others were cringing under their scarves. As for himself, he wasn’t too concerned. If being normal was important to me, I wouldn’t have tried enduring insanity for power.

(continued in part 2)
