Chapter 278: I Guess (1)  

Helium’s daily life continued unchanged. Isaac continued his writing while enjoying dates with his beloved women, and the rest of the people completed their tasks as well.

However, there was an incident where Anna faced Cecily’s parents, urging her to urge Isaac to marry her. Even if she wanted to, all she could do was reprimand her son for being a playboy.

But unbeknownst to Isaac, Cecily is actually the crown princess scheduled to become the future queen of Helium. At first glance, she might seem like an ordinary(?) princess. But considering the future of Helium, her potential is immeasurable.

Before Xenon’s Biography, Helium was like a frog in a well, but after its appearance, the situation completely changed. With the power of demons rivaling that of Alvenheim, and the accumulation of scientific and magical abilities built from scratch.

Although the discrimination that had lasted for hundreds of years had not completely disappeared, Helium’s potential in diplomacy is so formidable that major powers are all wary of it.

However, as they take their first steps in diplomacy, they face many difficulties due to their inexperience. Descal was still diligently laying the foundation.


In this sense, Cecily, who will ascend to the throne of Helium in the future, is preparing to rise with that foundation as her support. Considering the long lifespan characteristic of her race, it’s uncertain when that day will come, but even taking that into account, Cecily’s position is one to be looked up to.

Although Isaac is the author of Xenon’s Biography, even a scoundrel like him should feel guilty for coveting the princess.

Politically, gaining such a strong ally was indeed reassuring. However, as a mother with a playboy son, Anna felt deeply ashamed. I will have to apologize not only to Cecily, but also to her parents.

Fortunately, Descal and Aisilia could understand that part and even expressed gratitude, saying they were glad they could become family members with a benefactor who saved the demons.

Isaac? Isaac just watched with his golden eyes wide open. He smiled once but then fell silent, sensing Anna’s impending scolding.

Nevertheless, the matchmaking ceremony proceeded smoothly without any hiccups, and Isaac continued with his daily life in Helium.


Anna, instead of immediately returning to the mansion, began to wander around Helium, exploring various places she hadn’t visited before, accompanied by Cecily, the princess and her second daughter-in-law. She willingly complied with her mother-in-law’s request and provided detailed information about Helium’s landmarks and specialties.

Knock, knock.

“Isaac? Are you in?”

Cecily, who had returned to the palace after enjoying shopping with her mother-in-law, lightly knocked on the door of the room where Isaac resided. She wanted to chat about what happened today, but also because she often came to him several times a day.

Just seeing Isaac’s face made all her worries disappear, and instead, a feeling of excitement bubbled up inside her.

And the purpose of this visit is the latter. Cecily’s heart fluttered at the thought of seeing Isaac’s face. Just his presence alone warmed her heart, as her love for Isaac had turned blindly obsessive.


The inner evil that the demons could not detach from was completely imperceptible, making her seem like an ordinary human.

Perhaps it was because the recent evil cycle was gradually approaching, or for some other reason, but instead of feeling the inner evil, her desire for him seemed to intensify.

The sound of footsteps appeared behind the door, and the door quietly opened. So well maintained that not even the common creak of hinges was heard.

“Who is it… Your Highness?”

“Hello, Adelia.”

As the door opened, Cecily came face to face with the expected figure. Adelia, Isaac’s personal maid and the newly accepted woman. Cecily smiled faintly at her, dressed in a maid’s uniform that suited her so well.

A woman who had fallen for Isaac himself, not for his achievements, just like Marie. That aspect of her was what Cecily liked the most.

“Is Isaac still working now?”

“No. He’s been taking a nap since a little while ago.”

“A nap?”

Cecily’s eyes widened at the response that Isaac was napping. But soon enough, she could understand. It was normal to lack sleep after such an intense night. Especially when she had dealt with not just one but three opponents.

On the other hand, Isaac’s women had enough satisfaction to fall into a deep sleep, making it possible for them to return to their normal routines.

“May I come in for a moment?”


Adele opened the door wide to allow Cecily to enter. Cecily expressed her thanks politely and stepped inside. As soon as she entered, the thick scent of peaches greeted her nose.

The scent of peaches emanating from him came from the sanctity of Mora. She closed her eyes, inhaling deeply of Isaac’s scent before opening them again.

Once she opened her eyes, her gaze shifted towards the bed where Isaac was napping. This room resembled a bedroom due to its guest room structure. And, lo and behold, there was Isaac, still in his demonic form, not properly dressed or covered with a blanket.

He still retained the appearance of a demon due to Mora’s mischief, but it didn’t matter to Cecily. His appearance was the same, after all. Instead, she found herself even more drawn to the changed image and atmosphere. That didn’t mean she disliked the demonic aspect, though.

It’s as if warmth has completely replaced any sense of danger. This too could be due to the evil cycle, but just seeing him sleeping made her heart flutter. Untying his hair that he had tied up, Isaac curled up like a shrimp to sleep. He usually showed a mature side, but at times like this, he seemed just like a child.


“Yes, Your Highness.”

“You must be tired too, Adelia.”

Cecily asked Adelia, driven by her desire to see Isaac sleeping peacefully.

Adelia wasn’t completely unaware, so she quickly understood the underlying meaning of Cecily’s question.

“No, I’m fine.” Even though the response was sharp, Cecily didn’t wipe her smile. She already knew how sharp Adelia’s personality could be. And also how it softened in front of Isaac. During the day, she would hang on every word of Isaac, while at night, a beast seemed to emerge.

Night is said to be the time when human nature comes to the fore, and perhaps Adelia’s nature is that of a beast. More precisely, a wounded beast.

Cecily shrugged at her response, showing an indifferent attitude.

“I’ll watch over Isaac. You go back to the bedroom and rest for a while.”

“I’m fine…”

“After all the stuff around yesterday, you’re not tired?”


Adelia firmly shut her mouth in response to Cecily’s question. At the same time, a blush spread across her otherwise pale face.

Cecily smiled knowingly at Adelia, seeing through her facade just like Isaac. In terms of sheer hardware, Adelia was the strongest. And she had boldly demonstrated that prowess last night. Adelia’s contribution to Isaac taking a nap now was substantial.

However, Adelia had also displayed her instincts without reservation, so despite appearing fine outwardly, she must have been exhausted inside.

“If Isaac wakes up, I’ll explain everything. So you can rest for a while.”

“No, I couldn’t possibly…”

“Wouldn’t it be okay?”


Adelia kept her mouth shut in response to Cecily’s earnest plea. Her crimson eyes shimmered with a stubborn light.

Normally, a personal maid should stay by her master’s side, and Adelia strictly adhered to that rule. But Cecily’s request changed the game. Her power made even Adelia feel insignificant, and considering their hierarchy, Adelia had no choice but to reluctantly accept.

“…Alright. But I hope you won’t disturb Master’s nap.”

“Thank you. When it’s my turn next, I’ll call for you, Adelia.”


Adelia cleared her throat nervously at Cecily’s playful suggestion before slowly making her way out of the room. Even as she moved towards the door, she didn’t forget to be cautious in case Isaac woke up.

Eventually, only Isaac and Cecily remained in the guest room where Isaac resided. Marie was currently out shopping with Anna, so there was no need to worry about anyone interrupting.


Cecily thought to herself as she looked at the sleeping Isaac with moist eyes.

He was the savior of the demons, the man she had formed a bond with, and someone who could suppress the evil within her just with his presence alone.

Although he vehemently denied being a regressor or a prophet, after the altercation with Arwen, some of his secrets had been revealed.

Even if he wasn’t a regressor or prophet, it was certain that he came from another world. Perhaps because of such a secret, he was able to write a work like Xenon’s Biography, which despite its controversial content and initial backlash, persisted and had almost become like a scripture.

Some critics even said that his works had pushed civilization of this world ahead by a generation, a statement that wasn’t far from the truth.

‘What world did you come from?’

Cecily reached out and gently caressed Isaac’s soft cheek. The sensation, as soft as a baby’s skin, traveled through her hand.

From what world did Isaac come to redeem the demons? Was he truly sent from the future with the power of the gods, or did he come from a completely different world?

Regardless of what he was, it didn’t matter to Cecily. All she needed to do was love Isaac.

‘In this light, I must be truly fortunate.’

Thanks to Isaac, she had the opportunity to spread her wings as a genius in the world of demons and even formed a bond with him. Even though the limit of his lifespan was clear, it didn’t matter. She would cherish this moment rather than regret it.

A sudden thought crossed her mind: What would she have been like if Isaac hadn’t come into her life? Perhaps she would have lived like a bird trapped in a cage, spending her life confined in Helium without even the chance to enter the Academy.

Feeling her love and devotion to Isaac deepen, Cecily brought her face closer to his.

A light but sweet kiss. Isaac, deep in slumber, didn’t feel it, but Cecily felt ecstasy from the sensation on her lips.

An urge to take advantage of Isaac’s vulnerable state rose within her, but she barely managed to suppress it. Despite being exhausted from last night’s battle, Isaac was still tirelessly working on his writing. His stamina was truly remarkable.

‘I wonder how much he’s written by now.’

As thoughts of writing crossed her mind, Cecily naturally thought of manuscripts. She turned her head to glance at Isaac’s desk.

On the desk, as she had expected, along with a typewriter, there were stacks of manuscript paper piled up. 21st volume of a manuscript that everyone in the world was eagerly awaiting. According to Isaac, he would send them to the publisher within a week.

It was astonishing yet understandable how his writing speed had doubled since the invention of the typewriter. Isaac’s world was filled with inventions like typewriters. Seeing how he even requested modifications to suit his preferences, it was clear.

‘…Should I take a peek?’

Realizing that the manuscript of the 21st volume was right in front of her, Cecily glanced at Isaac. Currently, he was sleeping soundly, completely unaware.

The death of Jin, which occurred at the end of the twentieth volume, had shocked Cecily as well. Fortunately, Isaac had assured her that Jin was not truly dead, which eased her worries.

However, this raised questions. Jin, even as a first-generation demon with remarkable regenerative abilities, should have died instantly if his chest were pierced.

As a demon with deep knowledge of magic, Cecily couldn’t understand how Jin could survive such an injury.

‘…Just a quick look.’

Cecily, aware that if caught, Isaac would be furious, took precautions by casting soundproofing magic to ensure her actions went unnoticed while he was in deep sleep. Silently and cautiously, like a child sneaking through their parents’ wallet, Cecily approached the desk. Even as she sat down at the desk, Isaac continued to breathe evenly with his eyes closed.

As she reached for the manuscript, Cecily wrestled with conflicting feelings. Her mind screamed that she shouldn’t do this, but her body was determined. She was desperate to know how Jin had escaped death.

Suddenly, thoughts of Arwen, who had once sneaked into Isaac’s dormitory and glimpsed at manuscripts without permission, crossed Cecily’s mind. The Elven Queen had likely felt just like this—unable to resist the temptation of Xenon’s Biography manuscript right in front of her.

If it hadn’t been for the contents directly related to Jin’s resurrection, Cecily might have exercised restraint. But with such pivotal details at stake, it was hard to resist.

Perhaps it was related to the demons somehow. The likelihood was high.

‘Hopefully, I won’t get caught.’

Cecily thought as she remained vigilant until she had the manuscript in her hands. Isaac, still lost in his dreams, remained oblivious.

With a sense of relief, Cecily looked at the first page of Xenon’s Biography, Volume 21:

[To become the most despicable darkness, to protect the brightest light.]

From the very first sentence, Cecily sensed something was amiss. This famous line was Jin’s monologue when he pledged his loyalty to Lily—the epitome of his sacrificial spirit, stating that if Lily were the light, he would become her shadow.

Thanks to this line, Jin’s popularity skyrocketed. However, at the end of Volume 20, he was ruthlessly killed off. Well, to be precise, it would be more fitting to say that death was looming over him.

As Cecily read through the first sentence, her heart raced with anticipation, slowly absorbing the text. And…

‘Wha,what is this?!’

However, as the story unfolded, her feelings shifted from anticipation to astonishment and beyond.

Despite her vast experiences, Cecily couldn’t help but be shocked by the content of Volume 21. Its implications went far beyond just herself—it would have a significant impact on the entire demon race.

It overturned the virtue and essential principle of “restraint” that demons had adhered to for so long and introduced a new ideology of “control,” where one didn’t restrain their inner darkness but rather embraced it with their own power—a highly heretical concept for the current demon society.

If this were to be published in its current state, even in Helium, where Isaac was revered as a saint, there would undoubtedly be opposition. It completely undermined the beliefs that demons had built up over time, inviting a wave of negativity.


Cecily regained her composure and steadily continued reading through the contents. While the notion of embracing one’s inner evil was shocking, upon closer examination, the credibility overflowed.

For demons, inner evil was an inseparable force, akin to a shadow, and arguably the true origin of demons themselves. Demons feared and “submitted” to their inner evil. However, what if demons were to embrace their inner evil instead?

There would undoubtedly be many voices opposing this on ideological grounds, but could it not elevate the potential of demons even further? Rather than demons being separated from their inner evil, could it not lead to the birth of true “demons” in the real sense?

Most importantly, considering it was from Xenon’s Biography, could it not be possible in reality for demons?


Cecily glanced at Isaac, who was currently too preoccupied in dreamland to spare any attention. If it were any other book besides Xenon’s Biography, it would likely be dismissed outright. However, it was none other than Xenon’s Biography. Isaac must have included a story that was feasibly achievable. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have mentioned it at all.

‘Come to think of it, Lilith…’

Easily overlooked, but Lilith, despite losing her beloved and becoming one of the Seven Deadly Sins, miraculously maintained her “reason.” Typically, when a demon becomes a devil, they have a tendency to indiscriminately destroy their surroundings. However, Lilith clearly maintained her rationality.

Although she had completely turned into a devil, after reading Volume 21, it would be revealed that she had undoubtedly conquered the evil within herself.

It’s possible. It’s not impossible. A new thought emerged slowly within Cecily’s heart, not ‘restraint’ but ‘control’.

‘It’s clear you came from a different world after all.’

She smiled and calmly put down the manuscript. There was no need to read further. What she needed immediately was her own efforts. Xenon’s Biography was definitely a prophecy.

‘Please wait a moment. My savior.’

Cecily had something to do. She gave Isaac, who was sleeping soundly, a playful smile, and slowly approached him.

‘A bird is safest in its cage.’

But a bird is not born to die in its cage. To soar in a broader world, it must shed its cage.

This was also a passage from Volume 21. By gaining ‘courage’ rather than ‘fear’, one completely subjugates the evil within.


What a beautiful and brilliant story this is. Cecily looked down at Isaac with a strange breath. Just like in the story, if she thought of Isaac in a moment of crisis, it wouldn’t be difficult to subjugate the evil within.

No. It would be inevitable. Because Xenon’s Biography must have been a true story.

‘You really are…’

It feels like I’m going crazy because he’s so adorable. She had a feeling that she could accomplish anything with him by her side.

“I love you.”

Cecily confessed her feelings once again and kissed Isaac on the forehead.

As time passed, the next day arrived.

“Huh? Cecily noona is going into seclusion?”

“Yes, that’s right. For some reason, she told everyone not to disturb her.”


Isaac harbored doubts upon hearing Cecily’s inexplicable news.

Translators note:

