Chapter 136: Really, How Unlucky Can One Be?  


Chapter 136: Really, How Unlucky Can One Be?  


All specifically for their complex and superior DNA, much superior to humans, the result of the queen's natural ability giving birth to the combination of her DNA, human's, magical beasts, and normal beasts as well, not just combination but producing something much better... Evolution.

That is his goal, his goal from his previous. A simple dream of breaking his limits, genetic and mental ones.

And he found he has limits in this life as well, much higher than limit than his previous life but a limit nonetheless and he plans on getting rid of it.


Yasuo simply wants to evolve, he just doesn't like the feeling of those limits holding him back so he planned from his first year in this world, planned to break those limits fulfilling his dream.

And he already knows how to do so, something he has been studying since his previous life and he prepared well for the past years for the day he starts the transformation.

The years of research and curiosity satiating results lead to exactly what he wanted and better.

So Yasuo just waited as the King made his way towards the royal palace, the destined meeting with the King, destined by Yasuo's words.

The King who has become stronger than ever, much stronger than before, so strong in fact that the previous nuclear bomb would hardly affect him now, of course, that's only if we set aside the darkness within the bomb, the poison within.

Meruem flew through the sky with what he's thinking remains a mystery as he remained silent without any change in his expression throughout the flight after noticing Pouf's change of emotions and hearing what he said until the royal palace came within his vision, it was only at that moment he asked, "That human... Describe him."


That got Pouf out of his daze, he remained absentminded the entire way holed in his dark uncontrollable emotions. Yasuo's last words to him kept ringing in his mind haunting him, the whispers that'll forever remain in his mind if he was to survive.

"He was sitting on top of a building wearing black clothes and he has dark hair as well, he is also easily noticeable because of his eyes, his eyes' colors are different with one being black and the other silverly."

Described Pouf hardly keeping his cool even after the minutes that passed during the flight and Meruem noticed that peculiarity bringing curiosity to his mind.

What could that human have said for Pouf to be affected this much and showing so much hatred and fear towards a human.

Curiosity about another human aside from the one that almost killed him though he doesn't remember much about what happened.

He came to few conclusions such as the conclusion that one of the humans used some kind of weapon to put him in that state but he doesn't remember who or how.


There is still something that stuck to his mind, the word fear. It felt like it's not a foreign term to him, like he felt what that word mean but he can't remember anything regarding that and that made him more interested in meeting this specific human.

Perhaps the human can answer some of his questions, Meruem thought that for one simple reason, hearing Pouf's words seem to trigger a memory of his though it remained vague.

The memory of three shadows standing at the end of the room as the world darkened around him, while crouching on the ground and that's all he could remember.

However, Meruem got a feeling like the human described is one of those three shadows so he used one of his new abilities.

One he gained after Youpi and Pouf had fed him their own Aura and flesh, gained isn't really a good word to describe it as create is a better one but that creation wouldn't have happened if he didn't gain Pouf's ability.

By combining the abilities inherited from Shaiapouf and his own En, Meruem created his own version of Spiritual Message.

It consists in turning his aura into microscopic particles akin to photons and either deploy them with his En in a flash or detach the photons from his body and spread them into the surrounding air.

Each photon maintains his aura even if it is separated from Meruem's body. It also allows him to measure the shape, quality, emotion, and other informational content about the things the photons interact with.

Basically a much superior version of En that can spread with the speed of light, an interesting ability indeed especially since its range is much wider than Yasuo's control domain.

But while Meruem's ability spread at the speed of light, Yasuo's domain simply appears whenever he wants it to.

Yasuo's domain doesn't travel until it enveloped his maximum domain range, No, his domain simply appears ignoring the limitation of space or time, true instant domain, and it doesn't matter how large the domain is, it will always remain instant just like Yasuo wished.

His most prized and core ability is more broken than it seems and that's leaving aside the fact it's not just a simple domain, it's a domain created with the goal of absolute control within so Meruem really never and will never understand the creature his photons just detected. At this point in time, Meruem is hovering several miles from the royal palace and while he can see the overall shape of the palace from his place.

He couldn't see the human Pouf's talking about and he didn't bother asking Pouf about the human's last location see in so instead, he just spread his En consisting of numerous photons directed towards the palace's direction.

That allowed his photon's range to become much larger and with the speed of light, his photons made contact with the palace almost instantly in the span of no more than 39 microseconds and it was at the same moment he sensed the person.

He was able to easily find him due to the fact Yasuo never moved from his place remaining seated on the same building with his eyes closed and the fact no one is actually within the palace, completely vacant not even one of the Chimera Ants is there nor were the lines of thousands of hypnotized peoples there.

The royal palace appeared to be like an abandoned broken down monument with signs everywhere to what has happened here letting history remember the number of lives that fell here in the middle of fighting the uninvited guests.

A strange scene indeed considering how many people were there yet here we are and Meruem came to the natural conclusion that the human is responsible for the strange event.

He was of course right, Yasuo no longer needed for the event to continue, he already got almost all that he was here for so he decided to end it and he was able to do so easily.

Something Netero knew but couldn't really ask for it directly because he also knew what kind of person Yasuo is and he noticed some strange events happening in this area of the world.

That led him to believe Yasuo has some plans regarding the Island and while he got to know some of them later down the line, Netero knows that those are the only things Yasuo didn't care if known.

So Netero did what he would do if Yasuo didn't exist but hired him to make sure the job is done, to make sure the threat disappears from the face of the earth by the end of the day.

And while he saw the possibility of winning if working together with Yasuo against the King, he wanted to test himself one last time and leave the choice of saving him or not in the hands of Yasuo as he is sure Yasuo noticed the bomb within his stomach and he knows Yasuo can easily save him if he wished.

So the question remains, did Yasuo save him or not? No clues have pointed out the option of saving him is what he took but again, Yasuo to a certain extent is a mystery and he will only let people know what he allows them to so the world will assume Netero died with the explosion until proven otherwise.

Once Meruem detected his target's location, he started flying again exactly in his direction while also noting a few things to himself, something Pouf notices a while ago when his small clone saw the human.

The human's emotions don't appear to exist or so his photons told him but he also detected something deeper at play something Pouf couldn't detect.

His emotions are there even with how faint they are, they just seem to be hiding under his feet waiting for the human to give his commands, they exist, they're just under his complete control.

With Meruem's speed, it only took a few a bit more than a minute for him to reach Yasuo who didn't seem to react to the Chimera Ants' King hovering before him with Youpi and Pouf hanging onto him.

He didn't react even with their presence being as apparent as the bright shining sun in the middle of a clear day especially Pouf whose feelings of hatred were held back no more as he released them fully towards the puny human casually sitting before his King as if even someone with his King's statue doesn't deserve his respect and that fueled his hatred even more... But really, how unlucky can one be?
